Thursday, 16 August 2012

21,000 fine for fire safety breach chip shop owner

£21,000 fine for fire safety breach chip shop owner

The owner of the Beach Break Cafe fish and chip shop in Brighton has been found guilty of breaching fire safety regulations.

Ms Coull who owns the café was fined £21,000 after pleading guilty to breaching 6 fire safety regulations. The case was heard at Brighton Magistrates Court.
The breaches were discovered after a fire broke out in the property in 2011. The cafe had no emergency lighting and only one domestic standard smoke alarm, which was not working properly.

 A fire risk assessment had not been carried out in the property and staff had not been given any fire safety training.
Richard Fowler from East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said: “The public should continue to be reassured that we take any breaches of fire safety legislation very seriously.”

From Fire Academy.

1 comment:

  1. This law is very effective in UK. Careless persons cannot escape from this law. It can help to increase our business and life safety also. Fire safety training
